Monday, December 6, 2010

Just back from a whirlwind trip to Boston. I pulled out of Wilton before the crack of dawn on Friday and returned late Sunday afternoon. My Boutiques are now finished for the season - phew - but I am still delivering product to retail stores. Just dropped another 2 dozen frames and a few memento boards at the Wellesley Boutique, 100 Central Street, Wellesley, Massachusetts.

Stop by if you are in the area. You will find a wonderful assortment of presents etc for the holidays.

A few weeks ago a commenter asked if the economy looked any better from my perspective as I sell at boutiques from Washington DC to Chestnut Hill MA; it is tough going. People are being very careful with their spending this year. So while the economists report that we are technically out of the recession, the buying public is still in the trenches. But today I heard a good piece of news; Pam Lofblad, owner of the Wellesley Boutique, told me that business was very good at her shop. She has a "pop-up shop" in Wellesley, MA. The shop opens seasonally for a couple of months at a time. Pam is a savvy entrepreneur - she has terrific inventory and vendors that change weekly so there is always new merchandise. People keep coming back to see what is new. She only pays rent for two months and works non-stop. But it is worth it. The place was buzzing with people and excitement today. Fifteen people were waiting to get in when the shop opened today at noon. I was thrilled to hear that because I just dropped off more frames. One final push for the season and a few more orders to complete.

I plan to the visit some other stores this week to see if they might want a few more frames for the season. At the other end of the spectrum, two stores that I have sold to for the last few seasons have decided to close. I think it is going to be a long, slow climb out of the deep financial hole in this country and abroad. There are bright spots here and there, but mostly it is hard work. There is not much a robust recovery in sight.

So try and make the best of it... find something good about each day and be grateful for that.
Make each day matter. You never know what tomorrow will bring.

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