Maira Kalman:
Various illuminations (of Crazy World)
at the Jewish Museum, NYC
through July 31st

My readers know that I am a huge fan of Maira Kalman's work.
I cannot wait to see this exhibit.
This is Maira Kalman's first museum survey. The viewer will see her
illustrations, photography, embroidery, textiles, and performances.
The pink box that is too perfect to open...
From the exhibit blurb:
"Kalman's work illuminates contemporary life with a profound sense of joy
and a unique sense of humor".
Raincoat above hanging like a T
Back 10 years ago, I saw this raincoat at Kate Spade;
it was designed by Maira Kalman.
I coveted this raincoat - the bright yellow version to be specific,
alas, it was too dear.
It had the price tag of an original piece of art,
which it was,
so I smiled and enjoyed looking at it...
I think of it each spring when it is wet, windy and raw;
what a spring in my step I would have
if that raincoat were keeping me dry.
"Kalman thinks of her work as a form of journalism.
She uses writing and drawing to render an ongoing account of the world as she sees it.
It is a daily discipline of creativity
based upon photography, travel, research, walking, talking, and open observation."
The last statement struck a cord with me;
I now realize why I like Kalman's work so much
and why I like writing this blog so much.
This blog is much more than my business, mrr design;
When I stared the blog three years ago,
its purpose was to write about, showcase and promote my business.
But the blog has evolved, as it should.
It is about creativity and what inspires me
in and out of the studio on a daily basis.
The blog has become an on-line journal of sorts.
I still promote mrr design, but let's face it,
all mrr design would not be very interesting.
The idea of a daily discipline of creativity,
or in my case, three or four times a week discipline of creativity,
reminds me of another well-known designer, Diane Von Furstenberg.
I learned about a lecture that DVF gave at Harvard a few weeks ago
and read all about it.
Her subject was female empowerment.
Here are her 10 rules to live by
as published in Elle
Pay atttention to the rule #3: Document your Days.
Just like Maira and Diane,
I am documenting my days.
This blog gives me great joy.
Here I share images, thoughts, ideas with like minded people,
and that makes me happy.
People can read and take what they like and leave the rest.
I hope you enjoy it.
Diane’s 10 Rules to Live by (from Elle Magazine)
- Trust yourself. “The secret to feeling attractive, and to being attractive, is the confidence that comes from knowing who you are and what you believe in.”
- Accept the passage of time. “The older you get, the more you should learn to love life and appreciate the beauty that comes with age.”
- Document your days. “Carry a camera and create an inspiring visual diary of your life.”
- Your suitcase symbolizes your life. “The best way to know a woman is to open her luggage. If she knows how to pack well, it means she understands , and cherishes, how to live a simplified life.”
- Fashionable friends. “Choose fashions that make you happy. I hope the clothes I design will become my clients’ best friends. That way, when they open their closets, they will always encounter someone special.”
- Dress your personality. “Always choose styles that also accentuate your personality. Don’t use fashion to try and project a different persona. Authenticity is key.”
- Use your feminine power. “My mother taught me that being a woman is a privilege because the world revolves around us! It is a precious gift, and its power should be used in a subtle and respectful way.”
- Your handbag is your guide. “Before leaving home, check your agenda and organize your bag according to what you have to do that day. Keeping everything in order makes life easier.”
- Indulge yourself. “If you are like me, and don’t want to resort to Botox, book regular massages. I’m sure it helps to keep everything firm and in it’s place!”
- Lead a balanced life. “The best regimen is to keep moving! Never stop working, travelling and seeking adventure. Drink plenty of water, limit alcohol and sugar and get to your yoga class!”
PS. I had one of DVF's wrap dresses back in 1978 - just like the one on the Newsweek cover
in bright green and white
My mother and I each had one!
I loved that dress!