Welcome to Ambler Farm

My second favorite place in town;
the first being my cozy upside down house.

The property was left to the town
by a fifth generation Ambler family member.
We take our dog Libby there almost everyday for a good run.
We buy our organic vegetables at the farm stand in the summer
And in December we buy our Christmas tree and wreaths at the farm.
I am volunteering at the farm this weekend to help sell trees.
Hope it's not too cold.
Another annual fundraising event
at the farm is the
Art of the Wreath.
All sorts of folks decorate and donate wreaths,
which are then sold at a silent auction.
This year, my Knit Wits group of friends
knit mini sweaters, ponchos, mittens & stockings
and then decorated a wreath.
Here it is.

The owner of Knitting Central just had to have it
since one of the Knit Wits took a Knitting Central class
on minutiae knitting.
mini socks - socks are hard enough, but minis!
It is now hanging in the front window of Knitting Central.
Some of the other Knit Wits couldn't help themselves
and just kept knitting more and more minis.
Prodigious output.
The most successful wreath of the night
pictured below

Horseshoes soldered together with a piece of metal.
It was found in the attic of the barn.
It sold for $700.
Nice piece of change for the farm.
Ideas for next year.
Photo below from Marie Claire.