Thursday, August 27, 2009

The New York Times

click here to see the full post

a short history of the world

love these maps
i have a few in my house

this lady seems just right for welcoming new citizens
one million people become citizens every year
i did not know that
think small
take care of your part of the world
be a good citizen and a good human being
kind, compassionate, honest behavior will inspire others.

As President Obama said of Ted Kennedy yesterday:
"Ted Kennedy's ideas and ideals are stamped on scores of laws
and reflected in millions of lives -
in seniors who know new dignity,
in families that know new opportunity,
in children who know education's promise,
and in all who can pursue their dream in an America
that is more equal and more just"

have a twirl and a cupcake

and look what else I found today
on a blog called


pve design said...

she is like that she loves books and hates malls.

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Terrific blog. I love this post. My husband became a citizen in May. I was amazed how many were sworn in on that day & from so many countries.

Have a great weekend ~