This was the perfect post for me this morning from purlsoho
check it out here
Initially I imagined the magical thinking jar was for ideas.
My mind raced; an ah-ha moment.
A visual representation of ideas.
A big bold jar to capture my thoughts and energy
just like fireflies in the summer.

Just like the little scraps of paper that Lincoln used...
(see last post)
The Jar will become my desktop reminder to capture all my ideas.
The pieces of paper will inspire me create
and finish projects.
Brooke Reynolds's magical jar is all about capturing the wonderful words of her children.
My day book has always been my magical jar for my Miss Is's magical words.
As Miss Is grew up and observed life, she would say the darnedest things.
When I could I would jot them down.
Like the journals that I posted about last summer,
my day book transports me back to the very day...
it keeps the memories clear and bright...
so much can be lost as we go through the daily grind of life.
Boy that sounds a little pessimistic.
Now that my Miss Is is well into her teens
she can still say the darnedest things
but our conversations are so interesting,
about ideas, life, politics, history and literature,
movies, and kidstuff,
people and predicaments.
I am on a hunt for my big, glass jar.
I think that's a lovely idea.. it's sometimes hard to capture those ideas and hold them a bit before they fly away!
I am lucky. My ten year old daughter writes and writes. I find notes everywhere. Sometimes they address a known person, sometimes "dear journal", sometimes they just seem to be declarations. I never throw any of them away!
anonymous - that's wonderful that you have all your daughter's notes - she will be foreever grateful to you - the memories come flooding back when they read their words - Read my jan 29, 2009 post - you will like it - and i recommend that you create journals for your daughter to write in during the summer - see my posts on journals - my daughter's journals continue to be an endless source of pleasure for her - she even used one as inspiration to write an essay for her 11th grade english class recently - i have a post on how-to make summer journals or you can always buy one of mine! I have not put them into my etsy shop yet - put will soon. E-mail me if you are interested. Thanks for visiting. marnie
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