Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How am I doing with my new year's resolutions or goals?

1) Less procrastination: improving, but still a long way to go

2) Finish one knitting project per month: look what came off the needles in January

one week ago below and then presto
a cozy neck warmer making it up north for my little miss is

the blanket that I started in September of 2008
all that's left is to seam it together.
February's off the needles feature

3) Get through my stacks of old magazines: not yet

4) Read one book per month: slow, not enough time

5) Work on more happiness every day: yes, I read the happiness project daily

6) And last but not least, develop more MRR Design business: I am still in hibernation mode, but I had a wonderful meeting with two creative friends - we are collaborating on ideas and projects - exciting, inspiring, fun,

Remember to be grateful.
Trust in my faith.
Trust in myself.

1 comment:

Dumbwit Tellher said...

You are inspirational! I am slagging so far behind in getting things done, I just need to give up sleeping / :

Great job and I hope you have an equally productive weekend. Your neck warmer for your little miss is so adorable. Take care ~ Deb