Friday, August 1, 2008

the last of the birthday photos for awhile

the two youngest siblings have finally made it to the blog
i have been searching for this picture

This posting is for my darling brother CV
who really wants me to stop bothering him with all this blog stuff
"can I be taken off the blog list NOW" says he.
Not a chance, how else could I send you such a BIG birthday greeting

happy birthday kiddo

and Jeanne - you thought you escaped the blog...
I mentioned Jeanne, almost named Indepedence, on her bday, 
4th of July,
but did not have the photo.

1 comment:

pve design said...

Funny, when we think they are not looking at our blogs, then they make a comment about, well, you never blog about me. So, never leave anyone "out!"
Happy Birthday to your sisters and brother!