Friday, November 5, 2010

While in NYC a couple of days ago,
I spent a long time in Grand Central,
which is one of my favorite places.
I love the hustle and bustle.
No one ever bumps into each other.
The astronomical ceiling is quite simply amazing.

As I was looking at Grand Central's brilliant turquoise blue ceiling,
I was reminded of the new book by

Madame Castaing loved NYC:
she said it was the place where the streets smoked.

Madame Castaing also loved the same brilliant turquoise blue
that can be seen in Grand Central.
Looking at the book jacket and Grand Central
I was struck by the similarities:
brilliant blue
the seating and ticket booth -
I noticed how they both sit in the
middle of the room
as the focal point.
I also love how this wonderful seat changes over time.

and this perfect monogrammed stool.
Just love it.
Inspiration for my next project maybe.

bottom photograph: Francis Hammond, via Little Augury
other photographs: Emily Evans Erdmans, The World of Madeleine Castaing

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